Independent Quality Assurance Agency -Ranking (IQAA-Ranking) is announcing the launch of the NATIONAL RANKING of higher education institutions - 2018.
The results of the ranking will be presented on the website of the Agency - www.nkaoko.kz and on national mass media.
The ranking will be conducted in form of traditional institutional ranking and ranking in areas of study programmes and specialties.
When calculating the ranking, our Agency will use three types of independent data:
1) Quantitative data, which the university presents – questionnaires № 1, 4 (70%);
2) The questionnaire of experts № 2. Experts have rights to assess not less than 5 and no more than 20 universities (15%). The experts will be recruited from the list of rectors of HEIs, faculty members from local universities, as well as students taking part in external reviews.
3) Sociological questionnaire № 3 of the representatives from central and regional executive bodies, employers, companies of different levels, society, where the assessment of alumni is needed for no less then 3 and no more than 20 universities (15%);
Also we would like to inform you about the changes made in the questionnaire No. 1 for the institutional rating:
1) Item 1.6 "The availability of distance learning, the level of technology development" is excluded from indicator No. 1.
2) A new item 3.5 "Ratio of the number of reduced contingent of students to one full-time teaching staff" has been added to indicator No. 3.
In the questionnaire №4 for the rating of educational programs:
1) A new item 2.3 "Ratio of the number of reduced contingent of students to one full-time teaching staff" has been added to indicator No. 2.
We ask you to thoroughly verify the data when filling in the questionnaires as the materials presented by HEIs will be analyzed by experts and in case of the detection of falsified data, they will be withdrawn.
The data from questionnaires №1 and №4, the universities will fill in in electronic form in accordance with the attached instruction.
In order to verify the data on the credibility, the questionnaires №1, № 4 are being filled in also on soft copies, they are being signed by the first head of the higher education institution, thus confirming the authensity of presented data. The signature should be accompanied by the stamp of the educational organization.
We also ask you to send us materials confirming the indicators in electronic form on CD-disk. Materials on institutional ranking and ranking on study programmes, including by the levels (Bachelor and Master degrees) are presented separately.
The numbering of higher education institutions in the overall list remains the same except for new universities and universities, which have been merged or changed their titles (see Appendices).
The results of rankings will be approved by the Supervisory Public Council for rankings, established at the Agency.
Materials on ranking are accepted until February 16th 2018 via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We also wish to inform you that ranking of HEIs ans study programmes are conducted on a paid basis in accordance with the contract.
The methodology of the national ranking – 2018 and all the necessary materials for ranking are provided on the Agency website.
1. Brief information on the methodology of the institutional ranking of HEIs in Kazakhstan;
2. Questionnaire № 1 for the institutional ranking;
3. Questionnaire № 1 for the institutional ranking (for HEIs participating for the first time);
4. Questionnaire № 4 for the specialized (programme) ranking;
6. Instruction on the formation of the package of attached documents;
7. Instruction on filling in the questionnaire in the electronic format (Questionnaire № 1);
8. Instruction on filling in the questionnaire in the electronic format (Questionnaire № 4);
9. List of HEIs in Kazakhstan with the numbering;
10. The cost of services on participation in the ranking;
11. Contract form
For enquiries: 8 (7172) 27-77-49, 48-19-52.