Ranking in the field "Tehnical science and technology"

- 5B070100 – Biotechnology
- 5B070200 - Automatization and Control
- 5B070300 – Information Systems
- 5B070400 - Computer Systems and Software Engineering
- 5B070500 - Mathematical and Computer Modelling
- 5B070600 - Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
- 5B070800 - Oil and Gas Engineering
- 5В070900 - Metallurgy
- 5В071000 - Material Studies and Technology of New Materials
- 5В071100 - Geodesy and Cartography
- 5В071200 - Mechanical Engineering
- 5В071300 - Transport, Transport Equipment and Technologies
- 5В071600 - Instrument Engineering
- 5В071700 - Heat Power Engineering
- 5В071800 - Electrical Engineering
- 5В071900 - Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications
- 5В072000 - Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances
- 5В072100 - Chemical Technology of Organic Substances
- 5В072300 - Technical Physics
- 5В072400 - Technological Machinery and Equipment (by fields)
- 5В072500 - Technology of Wood Processing and Wood Products
- 5В072600 - Technology and Designing of Light Industry Products
- 5В072700 - Technology of Food Products
- 5В072800 - Technology of Processing Industries
- 5В072900 - Construction
- 5В073000 - Production of Building Materials, Components and Structures
- 5В073100 - Life Safety and Environmental Protection
- 5В073200 - Standardization, Certification and Metrology (by fields)
- 5В073300 - Technology and Design of Textile Materials
- 5В073800 - Technology of Processing Materials with Pressure
- 5В074500 - Transport Construction
- 5В074600 - Space Equipment and Technologies
- 5В074800 - Technology of Pharmaceutical Production
- 5В075300 – Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials