Independence. Professionalism. Objectivity.

Methodology of study programmes rating - 2021

A total scoring (weight percent) by indicators and criteria for Questionnaire №1 (for study programmes) is 800 points for the rating.

Ranking of Study programmes includes two separate lists for Bachelor programmes and Masters programmes (Ranking of Bachelor Programmes, Ranking of Master Programmes) considering 11 broad areas:

  • Pedagogical sciences
  • Arts and humanity sciences
  • Social sciences, newsmaking and information
  • Business, management and law
  • Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Engineering, processing and construction industries
  • Agriculture and bioresources
  • Veterinary
  • Healthcare and social security
  • Services


Indicator 1
The contingent of students studying by indicated study programme and the results of the training - 150 points (as on  October 1 of the current academic year)


The ratio of the average number of full-time  bachelor's / master's program students over the last  three years to the average contingent of the same program students  per one university across the country : = (C aver.progr.full-time / C aver.i.progr.full-time)x100% .

The average contingent of the same program students  per one university across the country   is  defined as follows :   C aver.i.progr.full-time  = total contingent of full-time students in the country / number of universities that have licenses for this study programme. The university, which has the maximum ratio, receives the maximum score.
30 points
1.2 The proportion of students studying by government scholarship support , according to the programme, to the total number of full-time  students  studying on the indicated  programme:  ( C scholarship/ C total students)x 100% 40 points
1.3 The proportion of full-time  out-of-town students studying in indicated study programme  to the total number of full-time students:   (Cfull-time out-pf-town/Ctotal full-time .)х 100%     30 points
1.4 Victories of students at international competitions, conferences and Olympiads on the indicated   programme (in Kazakhstan and CIS countries) over  the last three academic years 15 points
1.5 Victories of students at international competitions, conferences and Olympiads on the indicated   programme (in far abroad countries ) over  the last three academic years 35 points 

Indicator 2
Academic staff faculty and researchers on the indicated training programme -130 points
2.1 Proportion of doctors, candidates of sciences, Ph.Ds to the total academic staff faculty:  N (doct.+cand.+ PhD) / N total academic staff faculty) х 100 % 30 points
2.2 Proportion of doctors, candidates of sciences, Ph.Ds to the part-time faculty:  N (doct.+cand.+ PhD) / N part-time faculty) х 100 %  20 points
2.3 The proportion of full-time domestic academic staff faculty graduated in foreign countries: (N doctoral + Ph.D. +master's degree / N total academic staff faculty)x 100% 20 points
2.4 The ratio of the number of academic staff faculty to full-time students studying in indicated   undergraduate / graduate program: (N academic staff /N full-time students)x100% 30 points
2.5 Proportion of doctors, candidates of sciences, Ph.Ds to the total academic staff researchers:  N (doct.+cand.+ PhD) / N total academic staff researchers) х 100 % 
20 points
2.6 Proportion of doctors, candidates of sciences, Ph.Ds to the part-time researchers:  N (doct.+cand.+ PhD) / N part-time researchers) х 100 %  10 points

Indicator 3
Research and development (R&D), Innovative work  - 180 points
3.1 The volume of research funding per one full-time academic staff faculty, thousand KZT :   (V funding / N  academic staff faculty)x 100% 60 points
3.2 Number of scientific publications in abroad countries per one full-time academic staff faculty over the last three calendar years:   N publ.abroad / N academic staff faculty + indicators of publication activity and citation of Kazakhstan universities + volume of registered and performed research works.  75 points
3.2.1 Number of publications per academic staff faculty in the Web of Science database. 15 points
3.2.2 Number of citations per article in the Web of Science database. 15 points
3.2.3 Number of publications per academic staff faculty in the Scopus database. 15 points
3.2.4 Number of citations per article  in the Scopus database. 15 points
3.2.5 Number of publications per academic staff faculty in the Science Index (РИНЦ). 10 points
3.2.6 Number of citations per article  in the in the Science Index (РИНЦ). 5 points
3.3 Number of patents over  the last 3 calendar years. 15 points
3.4 Number of innovative patents over the last 3 calendar years 25 points
3.5 Number of intellectual property certificates over the last 3 calendar years 5 points
Indicator 4
International cooperation corresponding to the study program- 140 points.
4.1 Number of international exchanges, business trips per teacher over the last three academic years
(N int.exch.staff / N total academic staff faculty)x100%
40 points
4.2 Number of international exchanges per full-day student studying in indicated program  over  the last three academic years:
(N int.exch.students / N total full-time students)x100%
40 points
4.3 The proportion  of foreign academic staff faculty who are invited to  conduct lectures, classes (at least two credits) over  the last three academic years:
(N foreign staff / N total academic staff faculty)x100%
40 points
4.4 Membership in international associations of HEIs in the direction of the educational program 10 points
4.5 Number of agreements with foreign universities on joint educational programs of double-diploma education with the issuance of diplomas or certificates 10 points
Indicator 5
Employment and the ratio of graduates of the study program - 200points.
5.1 Number of international exchanges, business trips per teacher over the last three academic years
(N int. exch.staff / N total academic staff faculty)x100%
160 points
5.2 The ratio of the average number of full-time graduates by the indicated university's study program to the average number of graduates by this study program in the country: = (N average full-time program / N average pr in the country) x 100%.   N average pr in the country. = total contingent of full-time graduates by indicated program across the country. The highest score will be given to the university with the largest proportion of full-time graduates. 40 points