Ranking in the field «Social Sciences, Economics and Business» (magistracy) 2018

- 6М050100 - Sociology
- 6М050200 - Politology
- 6М050300 - Psychology
- 6М050400 - Journalism
- 6М050500 - Regional Studies
- 6М050600 - Economics
- 6М050700 - Management
- 6М050800 - Accounting and Audit
- 6М050900 - Finance
- 6М051000 - State and Local Governance
- 6М051100 - Marketing
- 6М051200 - Statistics
- 6М051300 - Global Economics
- 6М051400 - Public Relations
- 6М051500 - Archival Studies, Documentology and Documentation Support
- 6M051600 - International Journalism
- 6М051700 - Innovative Management
- 6М051800 - Project Management
- 6М052000 - Business Administration