Ranking in the field «Education» (magistracy) 2018

- 6М010100 - Preschool Education and Training
- 6М010200 - Pedagogics and Methodology of Primary Education
- 6М010300 - Pedagogics and Psychology
- 6М010400 - Primary Military Training
- 6М010500 - Defectology
- 6М010600 - Musical Education
- 6М010800 - Physical Culture and Sports
- 6М010900 - Mathematics
- 6М011000 - Physics
- 6М011100 - Informatics
- 6М011200 - Chemistry
- 6М011300 - Biology
- 6М011400 - History
- 6М011500 - Basics of Law and Economics
- 6М011700 - Kazakh Language and Literature
- 6М011800 - Russian Language and Literature
- 6М011900 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages
- 6М012000 - Vocational Training
- 6М012300 - Social Pedagogy and Self-knowledge