Rating of universities in the direction of «6B03 Social sciences, newsmaking and information" (baccalaureate) - 2023

The direction of training «6B031 Social sciences»
Ranking of group of EP «B038 Sociology»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
100 |
Ranking of group of EP «B039 Cultural studies»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 6B03102 - Cultural studies
100 |
Ranking of group of EP «B040 Political Science»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 6В03106 - Political Science
100 |
2. |
KIMEP university
- 6B03101 - International relations
91 |
Ranking of group of EP «B041 Psychology»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
100 |
2. |
Turan-Astana University
70 |
Ranking of group of EP «B140 International relations and diplomacy»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 6В03104 - International relations
- 6В03105 - Regional Studies
100 |
2. |
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- 6B03101 - International relations
58 |
Field of study "6B032 Journalism and Information"
Ranking of group of EP «B042 Journalism and reporting studies»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
International IT University
- 6В03201 - Business journalism, SMM&PR
100 |
2. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 6В03201 - Journalism
- 6В03203 - Public Relations
86 |
3. |
KIMEP University
70 |