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Media about IQAA Rankings 2016



kazinformTop higher education institutions of Kazakhstan-2016 have been announced
The Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) has published a regular national ranking of the best universities in Kazakhstan - 2017.
tengrinewsBest Universities of Kazakhstan have been announced
The national ranking of the best universities in Kazakhstan is compiled, the correspondent of reports.
forbesThe rating of the best universities of Kazakhstan - 2016 is published
The independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NKAO) has published the next national rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan - 2016, Kazinform reports.
profinanceThe best universities of Kazakhstan were named in 2016
An independent Kazakhstan agency for quality assurance in education (NKAO) has published a national rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan - 2016, reports.
ladaThe rating of the best universities of Kazakhstan in 2016 is published
An independent Kazakhstan agency for quality assurance in education presented the national rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan in 2016, according to the organization's website.
kursivThe best universities of Kazakhstan in 2016 have been announced
An independent Kazakhstan agency for quality assurance in education (NKAO) has published a national rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan - 2016, reports.
novosti mailThe best universities of Kazakhstan in 2016 have been announced 
An independent Kazakhstan agency for quality assurance in education (NKAO) has published a national rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan - 2016
kazpravdaThe best universities of the country are named
The Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NKAO) presents the next national rating of the best universities in Kazakhstan-2016.
egemenNational Rating of best Higher Education Intuitions of Kazakhstan -2016
The Independent Kazakh Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) has presented national ranking of the best universities in Kazakhstan-2016.