Rating of universities in the direction of "Business, management and law" (baccalaureate) - 2023

The direction of training «6B041 Business and Management»
Ranking of group of EP «B044 Management and administration»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 6B04101 - State and Local Government
- 6B04102 - Management
- 6B04103 - Economics
- 6В04104 - World economy
100 |
2. |
KIMEP University
- 6B04101 - State and Local Government
- 6B04103 - Management
84 |
3. |
Almaty Technological University
- 6B04101 - Economics
- 6B04102 - Management
- 6B04103 - State and Local Government
70 |
4. |
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- 6В04101 - Economics
- 6В04102 - Management
- 6В04105 - State and Local Government
- 6В04107 - World economy
69 |
5. |
Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan agrarian - technical university
- 6В04100 - Economics
- 6В04101 - Management
- 6В04106 - Management in the digital economy
68 |
6. |
International IT University
- 6B04103 - Innovation management
61 |
7. |
International engineering technological university
- 6B04101/6B04105 - Economics /Information and innovative technologies in the economy
56 |
Ranking of group of EP «B045 Auditing and taxation»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 6В04105 - Accounting and Audit
100 |
2. |
KIMEP University
- 6B04104 - Bachelor of Accounting and Audit
90 |
2. |
M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University
- 6В04101 - Accounting and Audit
90 |
4. |
Almaty Technological University
- 6B04105 - Accounting and Audit
86 |
5. |
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- 6B04103 - Accounting and Audit
63 |
6. |
Turan-Astana University
- 6В04103 - Accounting and Audit
50 |
Ranking of group of EP «B046 Finance, economics, banking and insurance»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
100 |
2. |
KIMEP University
- 6B04105 - Finance
- 6B04106 - Economics
92 |
3. |
Almaty Technological University
83 |
4. |
M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University
80 |
5. |
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- 6В04104 - Finance
- 6В04108 - Evaluation
75 |
6. |
Turan-Astana University
53 |
7. |
International IT University
- 6B04104 - Financial engineering
52 |
8. |
International engineering technological university
51 |
Ranking of group of EP «B047 Marketing and advertizing»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
100 |
2. |
KIMEP University
65 |
3. |
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
41 |
The direction of training «6B042 Law»
Ranking of group of EP «B049 Law»
Rank | University and educational programs of the university | Total, % |
1. |
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
- 6В04201 - International law
- 6В04203 - Customs affairs
- 6В04205 - Jurisprudence
100 |
2. |
M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University
- 6B04202 - International law
- 6В04201 - Jurisprudence
89 |
3. |
KIMEP University
- 6B04201 - International law
- 6B04202 - Jurisprudence
74 |
4. |
Karaganda University of Kazpotrebsoyuz
- 6В04212 - Jurisprudence: Legal regulation in the sphere of economy
71 |
5. |
Turan-Astana University
60 |