Ranking in the field «Arts and humanity sciences» (baccalaureate) - 2020

- 6B021 - Musicology
- 6B021 - Instrumental Performance
- 6B021 - Vocal Art
- 6B021 - Traditional Musical Art
- 6B021 - Conducting
- 6B021 - Stage Direction
- 6B021 - Performing Art
- 6B021 - Stage Art
- 6B021 - Scenography
- 6B021 - Composition
- 6B021 - Cinematography
- 6B021 - Painting
- 6B021 - Sculpture
- 6B021 - Art Studies
- 6B021 - Decorative Art
- 6B021 - Design
- 6B021 - Publishing Studies
- 6B021 - Art-management